Active Ingredients

Dicloxallicin – Effect, Application & Risks


The active ingredient dicloxallicin is a drug with an antibiotic effect. The substance belongs to the pharmacological group of penicillins . These active ingredients are primarily used in the treatment of infections caused by staphylococci . The drug dicloxallicin is used when other penicillins are not adequately effective in fighting the pathogen.

What is dicloxallicin?

The drug dicloxacillin is suitable for the therapy of a large number of infectious diseases . In the majority of cases it is used for infections caused by pathogens from the staphylococci category.

The drug dicloxacillin is particularly effective against germs that have already developed resistance to other substances from the penicillin group of substances. This applies, for example, to infections of the nipples , bone marrow , lungs and the ear, nose and throat area.

Pharmacological action

The drug dicloxacillin has the characteristic mechanism of action of all types of penicillins. Because the substance stops a special enzyme called transpeptidase, which is in the bacteria . This enzyme is absolutely necessary for the pathogen to build up the cell walls. Accordingly, it plays an important role in both the formation and proliferation of bacterial cells.

By blocking the enzyme, crucial weak points form in the cell walls, which lead to the cell walls of the bacteria tearing during the growth and reproduction processes of the germs. As a result, the cell is no longer viable and the bacterium dies. Because of this, the drug dicloxacillin has a bactericidal effect.

In principle, the drug dicloxacillin belongs to the subcategory of the so-called penicillinase-resistant penicillins. Penicillinase is a special enzyme that bacteria have. These are thus able to affect the basic structure of penicillins. However, the active substance dicloxacillin is not sensitive to such attacks by the enzyme and thus remains unaffected in its effect. For this reason, the substance dicloxacillin is also effective against some staphylococci bacteria that are already resistant to other types of penicillins.

As part of the inhibition of the bacterial enzyme transpeptidase, the cell wall no longer forms properly. The resulting weak points in the cell walls ultimately lead to the death of the germs.

Medical Application & Use

The drug dicloxacillin shows good efficacy in a number of infections. It is used in particular for those infectious diseases in which staphylococci are the trigger and other penicillins are no longer effective due to resistance.

For example, dicloxacillin can be used to treat infections of the bone marrow, kidneys, lungs and nipples. The drug also often has an effect on bacterial diseases of the small and large intestine , the urinary tract and the head and neck area.

In addition, the drug is not used for infections affecting the ear, nose and throat area. In addition, the drug is also effective against abscesses and boils , pus itch , inflammation of the connective tissue and other skin infections . The substance is also sometimes used to fight infections that occur after surgery.

In the majority of cases, the antibiotic dicloxacillin is administered orally in the form of tablets or intravenously. Ointments containing dicloxallicin are available to treat skin infections.

Risks & side effects

In the context of therapy with dicloxacillin, various undesirable side effects and symptoms are possible, which occur with varying frequency. The most common side effects include digestive problems as well as allergic reactions and intolerance to the active ingredient

Occasionally, while taking the active substance, there are increased liver values , a feeling of dryness in the mouth or catarrh of the oral mucosa . Tongue inflammation also occurs in some cases.

Rare side effects include Lyell’s syndrome and Stevens-Johnson syndrome . Inflammation of the kidneys , general abnormalities in the blood count , fever , swelling of the larynx and anaphylactic shock are also possible. In very rare cases , bile stasis , kidney dysfunction or liver inflammation develop as a result of taking dicloxacillin .

When taking dicloxacillin, various interactions with other active ingredients must be taken into account. In some cases, for example, the simultaneous administration of other penicillins and the substance methotrexate leads to complications . In this case, the effects reinforce each other.

If a live vaccine is given at the same time, the effect is sometimes reduced. In addition, the antibiotic dicloxacillin in many cases impairs the contraceptive effect of such contraceptives that are based on a combination of estrogen and progestin .

In principle, taking the active substance dicloxacillin is contraindicated for some complaints, since serious complications are possible in these cases. For example , treatment with dicloxacillin should be avoided in asthma , hay fever and leukemia . Dicloxacillin should also be avoided if you are allergic to certain types of penicillins or cephalosporins .

If treatment with the antibiotic takes place during pregnancy or breastfeeding , strict medical supervision is required. In this case, the prescription of the substance must be weighed up particularly carefully.

Lisa Newlon
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Hello! I am Lisa Newlon, and I am a medical writer and researcher with over 10 years of experience in the healthcare industry. I have a Master’s degree in Medicine, and my deep understanding of medical terminology, practices, and procedures has made me a trusted source of information in the medical world.