Home remedies

Home remedies for brittle fingernails – Lexicon for Medicine & Health

Home remedies for brittle fingernails

Many people suffer from brittle fingernails . Women in particular often complain about the brittle appearance of their fingernails and seek advice on how to make the nails look healthier. Brittle nails are not only a negligible beauty defect, but often also a warning sign of poor nutrition. Therefore, unstable-looking nails should by no means be taken lightly. With these tips, however, brittle nails will soon be a thing of the past.

What helps against brittle fingernails?

Regular bathing of fingernails in olive oil can lead to a quick improvement in the situation.

A common reason for the appearance of brittle nails is a lack of calcium . Calcium is largely responsible for the health of the nails and should therefore be taken more frequently if soft or brittle nails occur.

Dairy products in particular are high in calcium. Yoghurt, quark and other milk products should therefore also be included in the diet plan. In many cases, this ensures rapid, visible recovery of the horny cells.

Calcium can of course also be added to the body through dietary supplements and supplements, which is particularly recommended for those affected by brittle nails with lactose intolerance .

Quick help

In addition to the mineral calcium, the vitamins B and H are particularly important for healthy and firm horny cell formation. Fish, dairy products, liver products, broccoli, spinach and kale, for example, contain enough vitamin B.

In the case of brittle nails, these foods should also be included in the diet if possible. Vitamin H , on the other hand, is contained in many different foods, but usually only in very small amounts, for example in beef liver, egg yolk, oatmeal, mushrooms, whole wheat flour, fish, spinach, pork and beef, bananas, apples, milk or even walnuts

Anyone who would like to add vitamin H to the body in other ways can do so, for example, in the form of biotin products, which can be purchased without a prescription from your trusted pharmacy.

In addition to the methods described above for avoiding brittle nails, regularly bathing your fingernails in olive oil can also lead to a quick improvement in the situation. A lemon bath can also be used instead of olive oil for this purpose. However, if the origin of the brittle nails is due to poor nutrition, these baths will of course not provide a permanent remedy, but only temporarily combat the symptom.

Alternative remedies

Another method for quickly treating brittle fingernails is rubbing glycerine into the nails , which is also available in cream or stick form in every pharmacy. The glycerine has a hardening effect on the nail substance and thus quickly ensures a more stable and healthier appearance of the fingernails.

In order not to put additional strain on the nail horn, nails should not be painted permanently, but should be able to “breathe freely” for a few days, i.e. you should avoid wearing nail polish for a few days. During these days off, it is also advisable to treat the nails with a care oil or cream.

Incidentally, frequent use of aggressive nail polish remover can also lead to brittle nails. The use of nail polish remover should therefore be done as rarely as possible. It is also advisable to refrain from wearing artificial nails for a while if you have brittle nails, as these also have a stress effect on the nail horn.

If you also treat your nails gently every day, you will only rarely suffer from brittle nails. It is therefore advisable to reduce contact with water and degreasing cleaning products to a minimum to protect the nail.

In addition to the unsightly appearance of brittle nails, the following also applies: unstable nails are often a sign of illness. Hormonal disorders or metabolic diseases are often the cause of brittle nails. If there is no improvement despite treatment and good nutrition, a visit to the doctor is recommended to get to the bottom of the cause of the brittleness.

Lisa Newlon
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Hello! I am Lisa Newlon, and I am a medical writer and researcher with over 10 years of experience in the healthcare industry. I have a Master’s degree in Medicine, and my deep understanding of medical terminology, practices, and procedures has made me a trusted source of information in the medical world.