
Natural protection against ticks: Black cumin oil – Lexicon for medicine and health

Natural protection against ticks: black cumin oil

Ticks are parasites that feed on the blood of a host organism. The arachnids can transmit diseases such as TBE and Lyme disease. Extensive protection is therefore of the utmost importance, especially in the warm months. Black cumin oil as a protection against ticks has proven itself in this respect.

Be careful when walking in the woods

Ticks can be expected in European latitudes from the beginning of March to the end of October. Walkers in the forest, on the meadows and in the fields are a popular prey for ticks. In certain areas of Germany, ticks have not gone into hibernation for a number of years, such as in the Rhine Valley. The arachnids are usually in hibernation when temperatures are below seven degrees Celsius.

If these temperatures are not reached, ticks are also active in the winter months. The mites transmit diseases such as Lyme disease , neuroborreliosis and TBE . For this reason, caution is advised when engaging in outdoor activities. They lurk on plants and bushes for their next blood meal. The parasites enter gardens through mice or other wild and domestic animals. Most ticks live within a radius of two meters around the lawn border.

The sunnier the garden, the fewer ticks are to be expected. They are more common where there are a lot of leaves, a lot of undergrowth and a lot of weeds or certain ground covers. The forest is therefore an ideal environment for tick animals. To find a host, they have chemical senses such as carbon dioxide sensors. This sensory system is located in the Haller organ on the limb of the tick and allows it to locate hosts. At temperatures above seven degrees Celsius, tick protection becomes relevant, especially for walks in the forest. One option is black cumin oil as a tick repellent .

Black cumin oil as a tick repellent

The healing effects of black cumin have been known for thousands of years. For example, Egyptian black cumin oil was valued in North Africa 4,000 years ago for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Naturopathy praises the oil for its healing effects on rheumatism , skin diseases such as neurodermatitis or immunological over-sensitivities such as allergies .

According to scientists, the positive effect of black cumin oil is probably due to the essential oils it contains . Black seed oil has a similar deterrent effect on bloodsuckers as garlic . If you rub black cumin oil on your skin, you benefit from natural protection against ticks. But be careful: black cumin oil can probably not completely keep ticks and other bloodsuckers away and is therefore not a 100% guarantee.

According to experience reports, however, the tick infestation of treated four-legged friends decreased significantly after using the oil. To prevent parasite infestation, apply up to ten drops of the oil to exposed skin. Side effects are not to be feared when using it. Positively, the oil also shows positive effects on the complexion.

Black cumin oil is parasite prevention and skin care in one. Because the oil probably does not guarantee full protection against ticks, it can be useful to use it in combination with other preventive measures. In addition to black cumin oil, lavender and clove oil are popular natural tick repellents.

Tips against tick bites

To prevent ticks, staying in bushes and undergrowth should be avoided, as should walking in tall grass. It is better to stay on sparse, sparsely vegetated ground and not rest at the edge of the forest, near a haystack or in the undergrowth. In addition, light-colored, closed clothing that covers most of the skin is recommended. Ideally, clothing and body should be checked for ticks after each time you have been outdoors.

Young ticks are only half a millimeter in size and are therefore difficult to find, especially in the hair. So always shake out your hair. It is important not to tolerate mice in your own garden. In addition, birds should not stay above the terrace, because the animals could shake off parasites. Pet owners should regularly check their animals for ticks and remove the parasites as soon as possible.

Ideally, pets also receive tick prophylaxis, for example with tick repellents from the veterinarian. Infested pets could lose ticks in the house unnoticed. The keepers then run the risk of becoming the next hosts of the parasites. Incidentally, there are now vaccinations against tick diseases, such as the TBE vaccination. In order to get through the tick season healthy, such vaccinations should be considered.

What to do after a tick bite?

If you are bitten by a tick, do not panic. In principle, nymphs measuring 1.5 millimeters in size are considered dangerous. However, the faster the tick is removed from the host’s body, the less likely it is to be infected with the diseases mentioned above. The sucking act of the ticks is completed after one to two hours at the earliest.

Transmission of the disease does not begin until the meal is completed. Therefore, in the event of a tick bite , removing the parasite as quickly as possible is the top priority. But be careful: ticks must not be suffocated or otherwise injured before removal, otherwise the risk of infection increases. Ideally, tick tweezers or a tick snare should be used for removal.

Grab the tick by the suction proboscis just above the skin surface and carefully pry it out of the skin. Beware of torn body parts of the tick. These should not be left in the skin because they can cause inflammation . Never squeeze the tick during removal, as this also increases the risk of infection.

If you feel unsure about the distance, consult your family doctor. Once the tick has been removed, the bite area should be washed and disinfected with alcohol. Anyone who notices skin changes or flu-like symptoms after a tick bite should consult a doctor immediately. In this context, antibiotic therapy lasting several weeks may be necessary.

Conclusion: control is mandatory for tick protection

No matter which tick protection measures are taken: control is mandatory after spending time outdoors. Ticks are best seen on white clothing and hats. Ideally, the back half of the body should be checked by a second person. Since the temperatures in Germany are no longer too cold even in winter, tick control should also be carried out in the winter months. Be sure to document a bite with a photo and clarify any changes with a doctor.

Lisa Newlon
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Hello! I am Lisa Newlon, and I am a medical writer and researcher with over 10 years of experience in the healthcare industry. I have a Master’s degree in Medicine, and my deep understanding of medical terminology, practices, and procedures has made me a trusted source of information in the medical world.